persimon logo for this web site

All good things are worth the wait and this domain finally has a master page where you can find your way around should you accidentally strip all the way back to the domain itself. It is kind of nice to actually have everything under one roof, and I made these graphics for the site and then just let them rot for a year. Well no more... is a very large domain and there are a lot of good and interesting sites here, though they are always in need of an update. As vanity domains go, this one has as much substance as style. If you don't believe me take a look for yourself.

I believe that self expression is more important than anything else. I believe it is more important than belonging. I believe it is worth the cost of rented space. I don't even believe I need an audience though with web sites I might just have one.

Where to Go
Ladies Advance Ladies Retreat kicked me out so I started my own play pretend version. The Silk Purse My play pretend Brainstorms. Better than the original! It's amazing what dedicated vengence can do. QC-L Forever A Second Life My blog I hope to get bakc on line soon.
The World of Neopian Samizdat Critical essays about Neopets.
Less Than Three Percent: Surviving and Thriving Where our Numbers are Few A page on being a Jew in flyover country.
To Make the Circle Whole A dystopian tale set in Columbus,.Georgia. A Girl of the FutureAnother dystopian tale set in Columbus, Georgia. Unfettered Soul Some of the oldest material on this site.

I hope this site encourages you to go out and rent web space of your own. Saying what you want is the most important thing in the world and the web lets any one who wants to shout it out loud and proud do so, for a small fee. Please build a web site of your own and get your message out to the world.